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Bitcoin Prime Turkey

buying property in Turkey with crypto

Bitcoin Prime Turkey

Are you looking for an exciting and profitable way to invest your growing cryptocurrency portfolio? Investing in real estate is one of the more popular methods, but why not consider going global with it? Turkey offers some stunning properties which could be the perfect investment for those interested in venturing out of their comfort zone. Just imagine waking up every morning to tranquility, peace and awe-inspiring views – all made possible by your crypto investments! In this blog, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know before buying a property in Turkey with cryptocurrency

Purchasing property in Turkey can be a breeze with the right professional guidance – and now it’s easier than ever thanks to cryptocurrency! PrimeTurkey is here to make sure you’re able take advantage of this innovative financial opportunity as easily as possible, so that buying your dream home in beautiful Turkey doesn’t have distressful hassles.

Step 1: Choose Your Dream Property

The first step of buying property in Turkey with cryptocurrency is to find your ideal home or investment property. This can be a daunting task, so it’s important to take your time and do your research. Consider factors like location, size, layout, price range, and any other criteria that are important to you. Once you’ve narrowed down your list of potential properties, it’s time to move onto the next step.

Step 2: Agree on Terms of Sale and Payment Schedule

Once you’ve found the perfect property, it’s time to negotiate the terms of sale and payment schedule with the seller.

Step 3: Inform Your Agent That You Want To Pay in Crypto

After you’ve agreed upon a purchase price and payment schedule with the seller, inform your agent that you would like to pay for the property in cryptocurrency. We will then ask for your KYC documents so we can set up a foreign crypto account for you on the international digital asset market where you can send any cryptocurrency of choice.

Step 4: Convert Your Cryptocurrency Abroad from Real Market Price To Fiat Currency

Once your cryptocurrency reaches our accounts on the international digital asset market, we will convert them from their real market prices into fiat currency (i.e., Turkish lira or euro). We will need your approval for both timing and exchange rate before proceeding with this step.

Step 5:Seller gets the money

Prime Turkey receives money into their bank accounts. USD is delivered swiftly in as little as two to three days while EURO takes up to seven – so the seller receives payment promptly! Once this process completes, you will get the ownership rights .


Buying a property in Turkey with cryptocurrency doesn’t have to be an intimidating process—it just requires careful planning and knowing which steps are necessary for success! By following these five steps outlined above provided by PrimeTurkey – choosing a dream property; agreeing on terms of sale & payment schedule; informing an agent about paying with crypto; converting crypto abroad from real market price into fiat currency; & ensuring that sellers receive real money – buyers can confidently purchase their desired properties without having any issues along the way! With PrimeTurkey’s help and expertise on buying properties using cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum safely & securely while protecting buyers’ privacy rights – investing & owning a home has never been easier!

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